What the hell do they want to say when they write or blog "Needs attention"???
I say it is very easy. Google tries to say that your site doesn't have enough unique content or provide a good user experience so "Your site has policy violations | Submit your site for review so in my view the only thing you can make is to start writing some posts' '.
I do not want to make you a believer of me but it's what I found until now. For that we have Shrek:
Smash Mouth - I'm A Believer but it's what I have found until now.
And if you hear all this mess and corruption that they talk for example here Chamuco TV. Román Meyer Falcón you better become as fast as possible a believer cause if not you loose like me all faith in humanity and I would’n aside of me that that someone else looses al hope in humanity apart from me.
Cómo Conseguir tus primeros 1000 Suscriptores en YouTube en 2023 Cómo Conseguir tus primeros 1000 Suscriptores en YouTube en 2023 </a Uno de los temas que todo aquel que quiere vivir totalmente o en parte de su blog o de su canal de Youtube debe considerarlo. Yo no es que sea 2 manos surbas con eso de hacer peliculas pero no soy demasiado diestro con ello. Y el blog se complementa mejor con mi SNI (1) del CONACYT (2). Pero eso es simplemente por habilidades personales. Si ustedes tienen capacidades distintas yo no me opongo y es más, los animo a que lo hagan y entre más mejor. (1) https://conahcyt.mx/sistema-nacional-de-investigadores/ (2) https://miic.conacyt.mx/sni/acceso.html
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